CBSE 10th 12th Model Papers 2024-25 – Download Best sample Papers and Preparation Guide Here

CBSE 10th 12th Model Papers 2025 Best Sample Papers for CBSE Class 10th & 12th Students

CBSE 10th 12th Model Papers 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education has released the CBSE 2025 Model papers for class 10 and class 12. Earlier, the Model papers for Skill Education were issued by the board. Candidates preparing to appear for their CBSE 2025 board exams in February 2025 can visit the academic website of CBSE to download the sample paper pdf.

CBSE 10th 12th Model Papers are the best way for students to prepare for the final board exam. With these students can gain insights into question paper patterns and anticipate the level of complexity they face in exams. These Model papers will be a valuable tool for students for exam preparation.

CBSE 2025 sample papers for class 10 and class 12 are available on the official website – A direct link for class 10 and class 12 CBSE sample papers is also provided below.

Download CBSE 10th, 12th Sample Paper PDF Here

CBSE 12th Class Model Papers & Marking Scheme for Exam 2024-25

Subject Sample Question Paper Marking Scheme
Accountancy SQP MS
Arabic SQP MS
Assamese SQP MS
Bengali SQP MS
Bharatanatyam SQP MS
Bhutia SQP MS
Biology SQP MS
Biotechnology SQP MS
Bhoti SQP MS
Business Studies SQP MS
Carnatic Melodic SQP MS
Carnatic Percussion SQP MS
Carnatic Vocal SQP MS
Chemistry SQP MS
Computer Science SQP MS
Dance Manipuri SQP MS
Dance Odissi SQP MS
Economics SQP MS
Engg. Graphic SQP MS
English Core SQP MS
English Elective SQP MS
Entrepreneurship SQP MS
French SQP MS
Geography SQP MS
German SQP MS
Gujarati SQP MS
Hindi Elective SQP MS
Hindi Core SQP MS
History SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Melodic) SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Percussion) SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Vocal) SQP MS
Home Science SQP MS
Informatics Practices SQP MS
Japanese SQP MS
Kannada SQP MS
Kashmiri SQP MS
Kathak SQP MS
Kathakali SQP MS
Kuchipudi SQP MS
Legal Studies SQP MS
Lepcha SQP MS
Limboo SQP MS
Malayalam SQP MS
Manipuri SQP MS
Marathi SQP MS
Applied Arts (Commercial Art) SQP MS
Applied Mathematics SQP MS
Applied Mathematics (For Visually Impaired) SQP MS
Mathematics SQP MS
Mathematics (For Visually Impaired) SQP MS
Nepali SQP MS
Kokborok SQP MS
Painting SQP MS
Graphic SQP MS
Sculpture SQP MS
Persian SQP MS
Physical Education SQP MS
Physics SQP MS
Political Science SQP MS
Psychology SQP MS
Punjabi SQP MS
Russian SQP MS
Sindhi SQP MS
Sociology SQP MS
Spanish SQP MS
Sanskrit Core SQP MS
Sanskrit Elective SQP MS
Tamil SQP MS
Tangkhul SQP MS
Telugu (AP) SQP MS
Telugu (Telangana) SQP MS
Tibetan SQP MS
Urdu Core SQP MS
Urdu Elective SQP MS


CBSE 10th Class Model Papers & Marking Scheme for Exam 2024-25

Subject Sample Question Paper Marking Scheme
Science SQP MS
Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy SQP MS
Elements of Business SQP MS
English (Language & Literature) SQP MS
English (Communicative) SQP MS
Hindi A SQP MS
Hindi B SQP MS
Home Science SQP MS
Computer Application SQP MS
Mathematics (Basic) SQP MS
Mathematics (Basic) (For Visually Impaired) SQP MS
Mathematics (Standard) SQP MS
Mathematics (Standard) (For Visually Impaired) SQP MS
Social Science SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Melodic) SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Percussion) SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Vocal) SQP MS
Carnatic Music-Melodic Instruments SQP MS
Carnatic Music-Percussion Instruments SQP MS
Carnatic Music-Vocal SQP MS
Painting SQP MS
Arabic SQP MS
Bengali SQP MS
Assamese SQP MS
Bahasa Melayu SQP MS
Bhoti SQP MS
Bhutia SQP MS
French SQP MS
German SQP MS
Gujarati SQP MS
Gurung SQP MS
Japanese SQP MS
Kannada SQP MS
Kashmiri SQP MS
Kokborok SQP MS
Lepcha SQP MS
Limboo SQP MS
Malayalam SQP MS
Manipuri SQP MS
Marathi SQP MS
Nepali SQP MS
Persian SQP MS
Punjabi SQP MS
Rai Language SQP MS
Russian SQP MS
Sanskrit SQP MS
Sanskrit Communicative SQP MS
Sherpa SQP MS
Sindhi SQP MS
Spanish SQP MS
Tamil SQP MS
Tamang SQP MS
Tangkhul SQP MS
Telugu AP SQP MS
Telugu Telangana SQP MS
Tibetan SQP MS

CBSE 12th sample papers 2024-25 – Click Here

CBSE 10th Sample papers 2024-25 – Click Here

Steps to Download CBSE 10th, 12th Sample Paper PDF

The link for students to download the subject-wise CBSE sample papers is available on the official academic website. Follow the steps provided below to download the pdf

Step 1: Visit the official website of CBSE

Step 2: Click on an academic website

Step 3: Click on Sample Paper and navigate to class 10/class 12 section

Step 4: Click on the subject of choice and download the question paper pdf

Step 5: Save a copy for further reference

CBSE 2025 Exam Dates

The next session of CBSE board exams is scheduled to be held in February 2025. The subject-wise timetable for the CBSE 10th and 12th exams 2025 will be issued by the board by December 2024. It is expected that just like the previous year the exams will begin in February and continue until April 2025. Students preparing to appear for the CBSE board exams must check their timetable and other related details at

How many Model papers should you practice?

You must practice a minimum of 4-5 CBSE Model Papers to understand the level of questions. A maximum of 8-10 CBSE sample papers are enough to practice. There is no benefit in solving more than 10 Model papers for any subject. So, if someone tells you that there are 30-40 Model papers to download, just ignore it.

You should solve the best 10 sample papers doing more than that is just a waste of time. Rather, you should focus on keynotes and practice questions from NCERT books.

How to Make More From Class 10 Model Papers?

Here are some points that you must keep in mind after you download these files and begin to solve the sample papers.

Updated Paper Pattern: Sample Papers are meant to give an idea of the latest paper pattern and marking scheme to teachers and students. It is important to know and understand this pattern so that planning to prepare for the exams is done accordingly.

Prior Evaluation: Teachers can use these papers to evaluate the student’s preparation for the board exams. On the other hand, students can solve as many Model papers as they can to self-assess their mistakes and avoid them in the future.
Increase Speed and Efficiency: The more sample papers students solve, the more their speed and ability to write the answers impressively increase.
Make sure the sample papers don’t end up collecting dust in your downloads folder. Make frequent practice of them and use them as a tool for revision. Every week, solve at least one sample paper and record your progress. This will boost your confidence and aid in your retention of the ideas and formulas.

Q:Where can I get CBSE 10th question papers of previous years?

A: CBSE released the CBSE Class 10 previous question papers for the all subjects on the official website. Students can download them by clicking on the links on this page and start preparing for their upcoming exams. CBSE 10th board exams 2025 will likely be conducted between February 15 and March 13, 2025.

The Board released the CBSE 10th Model papers 2025 of some of the subjects. The sample papers also share the latest marking scheme. These sample papers make students familiar with the difficulty level of the exam, the types of questions that will be asked and more.

Q: Where can I get CBSE Class 10 sample papers 2025?

A: CBSE released the CBSE sample question papers 2025. You can check and download subject-wise CBSE 10th sample papers 2025 by clicking on the page below. The CBSE sample papers 2025 class 10 makes students familiar with the exam pattern, marking scheme and more.

Students must practice the CBSE 10th sample papers and previous years question papers for better preparation of the examinations.

Q: Should I download and practice CBSE Class 10 previous years’ question papers? How will they help me?

A: Hi, Yes you should definitely download and practice as many CBSE 10th previous year’s question papers as possible. These will help you get familiar with the exam pattern, marking scheme, and with the types of questions that are frequently asked. Students are suggested to solve the complete question paper within the stipulated time as this will help them learn time management.

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